Alexandra Quilters Will Have Another Major Display

The Alexandra Quilters are an active local community group and their display of their craft work has long been a feature of the Truck Ute & Rod Show,

The Quilters will again have all their work on show in the Alexandra Shire Hall with their display available from 2 pm on Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday.

Admission to the display is only a $2 coin and visitors also gain a complimentary entry to judge what they consider to be the best quilt of the show.

There is also the opportunity to buy a raffle ticket with the prize being one of the amazing high quality, colourful and handmade local quilts.

Tickets are only $2 and the funds raised in the raffle will be provided this year to support the Alexandra Playgroup.

This will maintain the long tradition of the Alexandra Quilters in supporting worthy community organisations by donations of the funds raised by their display.

Quilting is a traditional craft which is actively supported in many communities.

It is often associated with the Amish community of the USA although there are numerous variations in many other parts of the world.

The Alexandra Quilters group has over forty members who participate in their teaching lessons and exchange of ideas.

Denise Fiddes secretary of the group says that a quilt can often involve one hundred hours of more of time input from the sourcing of the materials to the detail involved in stitching the final quilt together.

She says there are very few towns in Victoria that are without an active quilters group.

“We recently travelled as a group to Castlemaine to see the work that their local quilters group is doing and to swap ideas.

“Quilting provides a lot of enjoyment, relaxation, even therapy to for a lot of people.

“And quilting has a great tradition in many societies and is clearly a very active interest in many other countries”.

It looks like possibly sixty locally handcrafted quilts will be on display in the Alexandra Shire Hall as a feature event associated with the Alexandra Truck Ute & Rod Show.


Denise Fiddes (left) with Jennie de Frietas of the Alexandra Quilters group with one of the beautifully designed and hand crafted quilts that can be viewed in the expanded display on Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday of the Truck Ute & Rod Show.

The display in the Shire Hall on Saturday afternoon and all day on Sunday will be one of the biggest ever with a $2 gold coin for entry and a vote in judging the best quilt of the show.

Funds raised in the $2 raffle for a beautiful quit will go this year to the Alexandra Playgroup.